From time to time APhA uses photographs and videos of conference events in its promotional materials. Unless this permission is revoked in writing to APhA, by virtue of their attendance all APhA Institute Attendees agree to the use of their likeness in such materials.
All registration cancellations must be in writing and received by the APhA Student Development Staff via email at ( 30 days prior to the APhA Institute (Monday, April 28, 2025), and are subject to a $50 administrative fee. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after 30 days prior to the Institute (Monday, April 28, 2025).
In 2025, we are continuing to allow all student pharmacists who are interested in attending the meeting to register on a first-come, first-served basis until we reach meeting room capacity.
If you have any questions about the student pharmacist registration process, please feel free to contact Keith Marciniak or Lynette Plowden at (